This article is a little different than most as I decided to post about a hobby that I have been involved with for some time, high power rocketry. What follows are some pictures and a report of a recent rocketry launch that Rhonda and I attended in South Carolina.
Launch Report
National Sport Launch, Orangeburg, South
Carolina, May 23-25, 2015
Field Conditions: A sod farm, for the
most part dry with just a few wet areas and water in ditches.
Weather Conditions: Sunny, partly
cloudy, low humidity, fairly windy at times on Saturday, less so on Monday.
1. Deep Space Probe (Not pictured) on
an H128W-Med. Delay.
A great
flight, straight-up and fast boost, chute deployed at apogee. Unfortunately,
the rocket lived up to its name and went into deep space because we never found
it although we searched for a couple of hours. Rocket drifted down the field
east of the pads.
2. Intruder (Public Missiles, the green
rocket) on an I235G-Med. Delay.
A nice fast
flight, deployed the 36” chute at apogee. Recovered in the sod grass east of
3. Moonraker (Silver rocket) on an H123W-Med. Delay.
First time
using the RMS system where you adjust the delay yourself. A great boost and
flight, deployed perfectly on a 27” chute. Recovered with no problems.
4. X-Calibur (Yellow rocket) on an H180-Med. Delay.
A great
motor combination for this rocket. Went out-of-sight into the clouds and didn’t
see it deploy the chute. Rhonda spotted it down range west of the pads. Used an
Aerotech 18” chute which brought it down too hot. There was no damage to the
rocket but my threaded screws (retainer) were bent some.
5. Red Barchetta (Italian for 2 seat sports
car and a song by Rush, large red rocket) on a J350W-Med. Delay.
Another RMS
motor where you adjust the delay yourself. A great boost and deployed perfectly
in two pieces, the nose cone on a 30” chute and the rocket on a 36” chute.
Rocket came in a little fast but no damage. Both recovered in sod field northeast
of pads. This is the rocket in the launch picture above.
6. Halo Effect (tall rocket white with
red payload) on an I161W-Med. Delay.
Nice boost,
straight up flight and recovered in the sod field near the “Away” pad. My last
rocket of the day.
3 – H Motors
2 – I Motors
1 – J Motor