Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thoughts on "Tiptoe Through The TULIP . . ."

I came across an interesting article the other day on the Associated Baptist Press web site. The title of Ken Camp's article caught my eye. "Tiptoe through the TULIP: Must the new Baptist Calvinism divide churches, denominations?" This is a question that I have found myself asking lately. Having weathered the pastorate for the last twenty years, I've navigated many theological landmines along the way. From tongue speaking in the 80's, to the issue of innerancy in the 90's, and now to Calvinsim (just to name a few). When I began my ministry few of my fellow Baptist seminarians knew who John Calvin was. Even fewer people in the pews had ever heard of John Calvin or Calvinism. That's all changed. A recent study by The North American Mission Board and Lifeway Christian Resources reveals that about 30 percent of recent graduates of Southern Baptist Seminaries identify themselves as Calvinists.

In talking with a fellow Baptist evangelist the other day, his conviction was that Calvinism would be the next dividing point for Southern Baptists. I hope that he is wrong! Calvinists and non-Calvinists (not necesarily Arminians) share much more in common then they disagree on. Most Baptists believe in total depravity, that man is unable to save himself, that God must quicken His dead spirit. Likewise, I don't know of a Baptist that does not have a high view of the Bible and the sovereignty of God. Perseverance of the saints has been a hallmark of Baptist faith from our founding. Baptists that I know believe that salvation is a work of God's amazing grace.

This is not to say that there are not some serious differences between Calvinists and Non-Calvinists. This is especially true when it comes to one's understanding of the doctrines of election and the atonement. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that sincere Christians can differ with one another in a spirit of grace. After all, the Priesthood of the Believer (a forgotten Baptist distinctive) demands that we search Scripture out with an open heart, interpreting all Scripture in light of Christ. When that kind of interpretation is practiced, our knowledge of God is not only deepened but we are moved to treat one another with respect and grace.

Check out Ken Camp's article at

For His Glory!
Pastor Joe

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