Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How You Can Help Your Church

How You Can Help Your Church
Excerpts from a message preached by Dr. Joe Alain at Carrollwood Baptist Church, Tampa, Florida on June 2, 2019.

The message I preached on June 2nd during the occasion of our 25th Anniversary as Carrollwood Baptist Church really spoke to me. God’s timing is always “spot on” and I believe this was a timely message for us right now and every church as an example of how to carry out God’s work.  

Nehemiah inquired about the condition of his people and his beloved city (Nehemiah Ch. 1). When he heard that his people were “in great trouble and disgrace,” he became greatly burdened. When Nehemiah hears about the condition of his people or the city of Jerusalem, he doesn’t blame God or the people, he doesn’t conclude that God can’t turn the situation around, he doesn’t throw up his arms in despair, and he doesn’t have the attitude of, “Oh well, what can I do about it?” or “It’s not my job.” Instead, Nehemiah takes his concern, his burden and goes before God in much tears and in prayer (Neh. 1:5-11).

And what a prayer it was! The first thing Nehemiah did was praise God as the sovereign, awe-inspiring, and faithful Lord that He is. Why praise God first? Praise to God lifts burdens and gives us a renewed sense of hope regardless of what is weighing us down. Praise does us good, it changes our attitudes and lifts our burdens. And praise will prepare us for what’s next – confession of sin (1:6-7). Nehemiah was born in Persia and lived long after the events that led to the exile, yet he identified with the people of God and saw that he too was complicit in Jerusalem’s current downtrodden condition. Confession is agreeing with God about who we really are. Confession is “owning up” to our participation in what’s wrong. When we confess our sins, God is faithful to cleanse us and renew us.

The word to describe Israel’s sin (“corruption”) has the idea of ruining something. A failure to follow God’s word always brings corruption (ruin). Let me encourage you to not allow anything to ruin the good work that God is doing in your life, your family, and the church. CBC is a great church but we’re not a perfect church for none exists. However, let’s continue to focus on the good and the godly, let’s build up the church by focusing on our Lord and our mission of loving God and loving others (Mk. 12:30-31; Jn. 13:35; 1 Cor. 13:12). 

After praise and confession, Nehemiah was ready to petition God. As a result of his concern which has led him to seek God, he will now become the answer to his own prayer – he will be enlisted in the rebuilding, restoring, and renewing effort in Israel. The model church member is concerned about the people and the work of God, they bring their concerns first to God in much prayer, they then are ready to step up and be counted in being a positive participant in the rebuilding effort.

Here Are Specific Ways that You Can Help Your Church
1. Pray for one another. “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective(Jas. 5:16). Prayer allows us to see things from God’s perspective and it changes our heart. It is impossible to remain angry or in conflict with people that you are praying for.

2. Before you share your concerns, as Nehemiah did, take them first to God in much prayer. Hurtful speech is always avoided when we pray and listen before we speak (Jas. 1:19). Come to think of it, I have never had to apologize for something I did not say.

3. Kindly don’t participate in listening to or sharing gossip and negative speech. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen(Eph. 4:29-32).  

4. Remember, second and third hand information is almost always incorrect. Always go the source and encourage others to do the same.

Praying and thanking God for each of you and the partnership that we have together in the Gospel! I am excited about the great days ahead for CBC!

For God’s Glory!

Pastor Joe
I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3

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