Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Supplementary Sermon Notes for August 1, 2021

Supplementary notes for the Sermon Preached on Sunday, August 1, 2021

by Dr. Joe Alain at Carrollwood Baptist Church


Why Do Some People Doubt the Bible, God’s Word?

I have found that most of the doubts that people have about the integrity and truthfulness of the Bible usually result from misunderstandings about what the Bible is and what it is not. They fall under the following categories:


1. The Bible uses phenomenological language, rather than precise scientific language. For instance, we know the sun does not really “set” but that is how we see it, it is not incorrect to say so, it is the language that describes the phenomenon.


2. We sometimes hold the biblical writers to standards that they themselves did not follow or were unaware of. For instance, one writer might say there were 100,000 troops while another may say there were 125,000 troops. Does this mean the Bible is wrong or are both of these numbers simply approximates made by different people before our day and time when numbers are much more objective and precise?


3. Related to the above, even though the Holy Spirit superintended what the biblical writers wrote, they had the freedom to write from their understanding and point of view. We see this especially in the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The first three Gospels we sometimes refer to as the synoptic Gospels because they parallel one another more often than John’s Gospel. But even when you harmonize the Gospels, they have unique point of views that are key to interpreting them. Rather than asking, “Why are they not the same?” we might ask, “What makes one different from another?” The biblical writer is telling us something important by what he leaves out or by what he includes.


4. Some people doubt the Bible because they fail to understand the relationship of all Scripture. The Bible is a unified book and is only understood when we see how God’s revelation unfolds. The easiest way to get in trouble is to view an Old Testament passage in isolation from the New Testament. The Bible when properly interpreted, meaning everything needs to funnel through the New Testament and especially Jesus Christ, is completely true and trustworthy. Always, always, always move from the Old to the New when interpreting the Bible.


5. Some apparent problems people have with the Bible is a failure to understand that the Bible is written by people using a variety of literary genres. We understand that today when reading literature that poetry is read and interpreted differently than a historical account of an event. We must read the Bible the same way. The book of Proverbs (Wisdom genre) is quite different from the book of Acts (Historical, Narrative genre).  


6. Some people doubt the Bible because of what it bluntly says. The biblical writers did not hold back. They told the good, the bad, and the ugly! However, because the Bible does not leave the bloody and the bad out, that is in its favor as being authentic. If people would have devised the Bible, they would have taken all the unpleasant seemingly problematic passages and stories out. That they are in our Bible gives it credibility as a real document.


7. Related to the last point, some people doubt the Bible because they do not understand the difference between what the Bible “describes” and what the Bible “prescribes.” The fact that the Bible “describes” the anger and anguish of the Psalmist who wants to see the pagan children’s heads smashed as a “pay back” for the cruel injustices of the Babylonians, does not mean that this language is “prescriptive” or “normative” for believers today. It is important to learn what is “descriptive” and what is “prescriptive.”


Get Started Reading the Bible

There are many great plans for reading the Bible and an array of resources to help you. Shown below are just a few web sites that will help you get started off right. Great helps are just a click away.

Read the Bible online in the Bible translation of your choice. Includes a link to a one-year Bible Blog. This excellent resource includes historical background of the day’s passages and elaborates on the Scriptures that you are reading.

Indispensable for Bible study! Access over sixty (60) complete English versions of the Bible. Search the Bible, print Scripture, and find links to other resources.

Discover a variety of complete reading plans (Chronological, Historical, Old and New Testament Together, Beginning to End, etc.). Includes other Bible study resources as well.

A favorite devotional, now online! Listen or read “Our Daily Bread” daily devotionals.

A variety of different Bible reading plans to choose from.


The entrance of your words give light.” Psalm 119:130

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